Careers at Marin Software


To become the leading cross-channel performance advertising platform used by advertisers and agencies.


It was 2005 and Chris Lien was working as the Chief Operating Officer for a company called Adteractive, Inc. While working for this advertising company, Lien realized that advertisers had no usable software available to manage their ad campaigns.

Lien called up his old friend from high school, Joseph Chang, to ask for advice. Chang was a computer programmer who had built the website for J. Crew. The duo also had also previously worked together at Lien also shared his idea with another old classmate, Wister Walcott, who was working at Siebel at the time.

After Lien and Walcott came on board, the group got to work to find out whether the need Lien perceived actually existed. The trio travelled all across northern California, visiting the headquarters of ad agencies to ask questions and find out the nature of the problem. Convinced that the software was needed, the company launched their first product in 2007.

Marin Search Marketer was brought to market and soon managed to sign on some big name clients such as Razorfish and ZipRealty. Main Search Marketer would later be renamed Marin Enterprise Edition, becoming Marin’s flagship software for managing large-scale advertising campaigns. In 2011, the company launched Marin Professional Edition, a search management application designed for firms spending less than $10,000 on their ad campaigns.

From 2009 to 2011, Marin expanded geographically, establishing offices in the United Kingdom, Singapore and China. The company also raked in massive amounts of funding, bringing in over $100 million between 2006 and 2012. In 2012, the company reported a revenue of $50 million. In 2013, Marin decided to go public, raising $105 million in its IPO. The company also managed to acquire Perfect Audience in 2014 and SocialMoov in 2015.

Benefits at Marin Software