Dietitians, also commonly spelled as dieticians, are people whose job description is to analyze people’s eating habits and help them improve.

In the world where people are getting more and more obese, and where we suffer from more health issues that directly come from the food that we eat and how we eat it, the need for dietitians is dire.

We need them to teach us about things that we probably didn’t even know were bad for us, and to help us become healthier and happier by changing our diets and the way that we feel about food.

Of course, as with most other jobs, finding a position in this field that satisfies you is going to be tough.

But the one thing that we can without a doubt say is the key to your success is an excellent resume.

It needs to show all the right skills and descriptions about you that will help you get the job of your dreams, and we’re going to help you write it, whether you’re a clinical dietitian or any other one.

First things first, let’s look at some examples.

Community Dietitian Resume Example


Clinical Dietitian Resume Example


The two examples that we have here for you are how you should aim for your dietitian resume to be like.

Don’t be fooled, they look simple enough when you first glance at them, but there’s more to every word written on that paper.

And, as we said before, we’re going to help you figure it out.

Follow the guide that we prepared for you in the rest of this article while you’re writing your resume to maximize your chances of success.

Also, use our resume templates to create easy and unique resumes that will certainly make you stand out from the rest.


This section of your resume is the least stressful one, but there are still things that you might have been doing wrong all along and we have some tips for you.

This is the section that the recruiters are going to use to get in touch with you and it should only contain some of the most basic information about you.

Firstly, your name. It should be written on your resume like it’s the title of it – which it is.

Use big bolded letters, but don’t make your name so big that it draws too much attention away from the more important stuff, like your experience and skills.

It’s enough to only write your first and last name on your dietitian resume. Your middle name is not the type of information that the company that you’re applying to work for needs.

Also, don’t write any nicknames, just your full first and last name. Writing your nickname would make you seem unprofessional.

Michael Johnson
Mike Johnson

An important thing that you should know is that while adding a photo to your resume is optional it’s usually not advised. This is because the recruiters might make assumptions about you based on the photo that you submit.

The way that you look doesn’t determine your qualities as a dietitian, but if you do want to add a photo on your resume make sure that it’s high-quality, that you’re the only person in, that you look professional and that you’re smiling.

The next item is your phone number, which you have to write correctly. This is, along with your email address, the most likely way that you’re going to be contacted for a job interview.

However, stay safe and remove your phone number and home address from any examples of your resume that you keep online, but don’t forget to add them to the versions that you’re sending out.

Also, your full address isn’t a must, if you want to you can just write the name of the city and state that you live in.

Your email address should show that you’re a professional and not a child, so any address that doesn’t have your name in it is a definite no.

When it comes to social media that you add to your resume, there’s no need to submit any other of your profiles except for LinkedIn. It really is the only platform that is created for professional people, and you should keep it looking like that.

But, you should still clean up all your other profiles even if you didn’t submit them on your resume because companies have a way of finding them and it could possibly ruin your chances.

If you have a blog where you write about diets and nutrition, or a link to research or articles that you did, if you ever wrote any, you can also add a link to them in the social media subsection of your dietitian resume.


Now we get to the more complicated things.

From now on you have to fully commit to making your resume the best possible, because there’s no way to know what part of it the recruiters are going to find to be most interesting.

Especially if they spend only six seconds reading it.

This means that they don’t thoroughly read it, but look for things that stand out or that they know they’ll need.

The summary part of your resume is the place where you put all the most important information about you that you can see on the other parts of your resume, but so that it fits in three to six sentences.

This also means that you should leave the writing of this section for the end since it’s easier to write a review when you have all the info written in front of you.

Regardless, there are some things that you must mention in the summary:

  • The number of years of experience that you have as a dietitian
  • The exact name of your job title
  • Your certifications, which you have if you want to work as a dietitian
  • Some of the most extraordinary things that you accomplished
  • The things that you’re an expert in
  • The job position that you’re looking for

Believe it or not, all of this can fit into three to six sentences.

You should also follow this list in order, more or less. You can start with the years of experience, job title, certifications and the things that you have the most expertise in.


A determined and effective registered dietitian with over 6 years of experience in assessing, diagnosing, and treating nutritional problems.


After that, add some accomplishments that you think make you stand out from the rest.

Are you an expert in some areas? How many meal plans have you created? Were your patients satisfied with the results?

Use some hard numbers as proof of your skill. You can also add some job-specific terms to it.

Summary (cont.)

Expert in creating nutritional plant-based diets that still fill out all the criteria needed to help patients with their problems. Created over 400 detailed meal plans with a success rate of 95%.


The last sentence should be more personalized. You should describe the position that you’re looking for and mention the name of the company that you’re applying to work for. Needless to say, this part should be different on every resume that you send out.

Summary (cont.)

Used to working in fast-paced hospital environments, Michael is seeking the position of a clinical dietitian.



This is arguably the most important part of your resume.

Every employer wants to hire somebody who has more experience than the average candidate, but we’re going to teach you how to write this section even if you have no experience in the field.

Before you start, let’s set some ground rules. The only jobs that you should mention in this section are the ones that have something to do with the job of a dietitian or that have skills that can be transferred to it.

This means that the fact that you were a lifeguard in high school is great for you, but will just be unimportant information on your resume that will just take up space.

Now let’s talk about the format. The best one that you can choose if you’re an experienced dietitian is the reverse chronological order. This way your most recent and probably most relevant experience is listed at the top of the list, and so on.

However, if you don’t have experience or have some gap years it would be better if you used the classical format where you just list your most important accomplishments and duties first.

Always mention the years that you spent at the company, the name of the company and your position in it when writing your resume.

After that, you should add the duties that you had, but turn them into accomplishments.

Write the things that will make you stand out from the rest and add hard numbers to back up your skills. If you had an amazing success rate or customer satisfaction, or if you wrote a book or conducted research you can out it in this part of the section.

Hard numbers are proven to maximize your chances of success when it comes to getting to the next stage.

If you don’t have any experience, mention your internship and any volunteer practices that you were a part of. Only list the things relevant to the job of a dietitian.

Don’t shy away from using professional language on your resume to show that you know your stuff. Get into more detail if you want to.


Along with your professional work experience, you should also add some information about your internship and your duties there.

Every dietitian has to go through an internship in a health facility or a similar place before they’re even allowed to do their job.

So, write the name of the facility where you did your internship and when you did it, and add some duties that you had while you were working there.

And you’re good to go to the next section!


Every dietitian has to go through a lengthy and hard process of getting a bachelor’s diploma in college that’s related to food, diet, and nutrition.

You can’t apply for a job without the diploma. The job of a dietitian is an important one and should be left to the actual professionals because the health of people isn’t something that can be taken lightly.

When listing your degree in your resume start with the highest-ranking one.

That means that if you have a master’s degree there’s no need to also list your bachelor’s unless it was in another field or you got it at another university.

Also, because you have to have some sort of college degree to be a dietitian, you can leave out your high school diploma from this section, unless you had some outstanding accomplishments that have something to do with being a dietitian even in that period of your life.

The things that you should write about your degree are: the years of schooling, the level of your degree, the name of the university that you attended, and any special accomplishments.

Like this:


If you’re a student who still hasn’t finished schooling and you’re applying for an internship, you can list your college degree like this:


The most important things in this section are the certifications. Write the name of the certification, and where and when you took the test and got it.

Every dietitian has to be at least an RD, and you can list them like this:

  • Licensed Dietitian Nutritionist (LDN) – Board of Dietetics/Nutrition, 2010
  • Registered Dietitian (RD) – Commission on Dietetic Registration, 2010



This is the part of your summary that takes up the least space but still has some important information.

The skills that you have mostly determine whether you get the job or not. They are the most valuable asset that someone can bring to the company, so they’re always looking for skilled people to improve their work.

You should write this section in bullet-point format. Keep it short and simple, and pick only the most important skills that you can use as a dietitian.

Also, know the difference between soft skills and hard skills.

Soft skills are skills that aren’t specific to any job, but they’re still valuable.

The examples of soft skills that you should have as a dietitian are communication skills, problem-solving, honesty, teamwork.

The hard skills that you’re going to need as if you want to get a job as a dietitian are more specific, like for example the knowledge of nutritional values of different foods, creating plant-based diets, analyzing data, and so on.

Hard skills outweigh soft skills, so make sure to put more of them on the list.

This is how your skills section is supposed to look like:


  • Nutrition Education
  • Problem-solving
  • Extensive knowledge of nutritional values
  • Experience in creating adequate meal plans
  • Plant-based diet
  • Teamwork
  • Analyzing Data


  • Teamwork
  • Meal plans
  • Photoshop
  • MS Office



  • Use a template – We have a bunch of templates on our resume builder that is going to make your life easier and make your resume stand out from the rest.
  • Don’t be dishonest – Don’t go into this thinking that white lies are going to get you the job of your dreams and that you won’t get in some sort of trouble sooner or later. Working with patients is a serious business.
  • Adaptability – Change up your resume for every different company or position that you apply to. Don’t be too lazy to do it, it will pay off in the long run.
  • Length – Ideally, your resume should be one page long. The length of the resume doesn’t determine its quality.
  • Choose the font carefully – We’re all drawn to fonts that look special but the truth is that they’re hard to read. Pick something that’s not going to make recruiters dump your dietitian resume in the trash just because their eyes hurt from treading it.
  • Word or PDF? – If it isn’t specified in the ad send the PDF file, but keep all the other options ready just in case.
  • The heading of your resume is NOT Curriculum Vitae – The recruiters know that it’s a resume and putting your name as the heading is the much better option.
  • Don’t get too personal – The only information about you that you need in the personal section of your dietitian resume is the most basic things. Anything more than that could get your employer to make assumptions about you and isn’t needed.
  • Certifications – You have to have them as a dietitian and don’t forget to list all of them in the education section of your resume.
  • Internships and volunteering – List these things if they had anything to do with the job of a dietitian, especially if you have no work experience.
  • Check your grammar – This is a must! You can’t let some unprofessional mistakes slip up.
  • Review – Take some time to step back from your resume and then look at it again to see something that you might have missed before. Or, give your resume to someone else that has a lot of experience with them, maybe they can tell you what you can improve.


This is the end of our step by step guide that will help you create the perfect dietitian resume.

Following these steps while writing your resume is guaranteed to help you maximize your chances of getting the job that you were always dreaming about.

The most important things to remember are to be professional, only mention the skills and accomplishments that have something to do with the job of a dietitian, and don’t be dishonest.

Good luck!

Dietitian Resume: Sample and Complete Guide

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