Establishing a company with a publicly recognized brand is the process of brand building. Through a variety of methods including traditional advertising options as well as the inclusion of social media tools, promotions and company trademarks, marketing efforts work to develop a public image or brand. Simple ways to begin building a brand include: being your brand’s biggest advocate, maximizing social media through website building and blogs, building a grass-roots audience and being authentic. Brand building does not happen overnight. It requires diligence and attention but is one of the most effective ways of establishing a company’s presence in the marketplace.
Once a company has gone through the process of branding, it must begin to work on brand building. Brand building is the repeated, strategic process where a company’s brand is introduced to staff, media and customers. It can be accomplished through trade shows, email marketing, giveaways, promotions and a variety of other methods. The goal of brand building is to connect a product or company with a specific set of ideals. Companies that are successful at brand building will notice that their brand may take on a persona of its own. This is a sign that their brand building efforts have paid off – and that the company is on the road to success. Brand building is a continual process, but has proven, long lasting results.
Brand building starts with the top of the company. When the management team of a company effectively communicates the brand to employees, they can in turn communicate the brand to customers, and the brand will become part of the company’s identity. Communicating your company’s brand to both employees and customers requires diligence and attention. By building the brand internally, and then turning the focus to customers, your brand will be stronger and more effective.