In order to understand brand loyalty, a person must know the meaning of ‘brand’. What exactly is a brand? It is not just something with a fancy packaging and logo that you are selling to gain profit; in fact, it refers to the entire organization including the marketing and visual intangibles.

Brand loyalty is something what we call “trust”. It is when customers repeatedly purchase products from the same company. It is trust that forms a bond between the customer and the company that no matter what happens, the customers can rely on the product, as it will give them the highest results.

The marketing and visual intangibles include:

  • Brand relationship intangibles
  • Market position intangibles
  • Business process intangibles
  • Knowledge intangibles and many more

In short, a company’s brand loyalty can be confirmed by its brand’s unique experience, character and personality. In order to spread brand loyalty, an entrepreneur must treat their company and brand like a person. The brand must have its own personality, unique identity and a USP (Unique Selling Point).

A unique way to develop brand loyalty is to think about the negative and positive characteristics and traits people possess. This way the company can either avoid or adopt those characteristics and earn the customers loyalty.

To increase brand loyalty, companies can adopt the following three characteristics:


Even though marketers want their customers to be loyal to their brand, marketers fail to reciprocate the same. Some disloyalty shown by companies that confuse the customers is:

  • Constantly changing logos
  • Changing price structure
  • Changing their packaging
  • Offering new clients better prices, conditions and packaging than other clients

Therefore, instead of changing your decisions every time, stick to one. Before asking for their loyalty, give them yours in the form of an incentive and make it your USP.

Strong Identity

Before the brand, comes the company. Clients love those brands, whose companies have a strong standing in the market. The company’s logo must speak for itself and must explain the brand. To achieve this, make out a plan of what is your company’s purpose and where do you see it heading in the future. Once you achieve a solid name for your company, you will automatically receive brand loyalty.


High organizations are built by high people. Meaning: People who will do whatever it takes for their company to succeed are the ones who survive in the future. Similarly, in order to achieve brand loyalty the company must be true to their customers whatever the cost. Any mistake done must be immediately admitted and fixed. This shows the strong and upstanding character of the organization and the owner. People will be automatically drawn to the brand.

In order to build brand loyalty, the company must be thought as a living thing that will adopt the characteristics you want. Therefore, certain qualities must be chosen, which will appeal to the customers. To make this happen, the company’s characteristics must encourage development of the relationship between customer and company.