Inbound marketing is a term that describes marketing achieved by the application of web technology and targeting audience according to their searches and preferences. Inbound marketing is a relatively new form of marketing which was triggered with the boom of the Internet.
Categorizing Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing Campaigns usually involve the following elements:
SEO: Search Engine Optimization is the key element in running a successful inbound marketing campaign. Effective keyword analysis with adequate optimization of the content is used to boost the page rankings in the search engine results.
Blogging: Blogging is one of the most powerful and frequently utilized form of Inbound Marketing and plays a pivotal role in generating leads for your company. Blogging also provides an informal idea about the direction of the company.
Social Media: There is no denying the rapid and steady growth in social networking sites. Neglecting connectivity amongst these groups is a silly mistake as it means overlooking a significant portion of your potential audience.
Difference between Inbound Marketing & Outbound Marketing
Inbound marketing differs significantly from traditional marketing in the sense that inbound marketing targets audiences that is relevant and marketers attract the audience by publishing information that the customer is looking for rather than creating interruptions. On the other hand, outbound marketing requires a massive scale budget and audience, relevant and irrelevant alike is targeted.
Why is “lnbound Marketing” successful and preferred?
The success of inbound marketing can be largely attributed to the fact that the marketing causes no interruptions. Inbound marketing is driven by the idea that the prospective client searches out the information when it is required and the services are marketed based on the relevancy of the company with the queries of the client. This not only increases the likelihood of probable conversion but also builds a longstanding, trustworthy relationship with the client due to the delivery of information for extended periods of time. Another benefit of utilizing inbound marketing is the fact that the Return on Investment (ROI) can be calculated with much ease allowing you to have a proper analysis of your campaign.
Flaws in Inbound Marketing
Inbound Marketing has its fair share of disadvantages as well. Firstly the marketing requires a considerable amount of time before it can yield any successful results. At the bare minimum, a period of at least three months is required and if your company has had no initial exposure, the period would be even greater. It takes a while for your company to be noticed and even a longer period for the customer to get comfortable in building a relationship with the company. Secondly, the website contents needs constant updates and revision with the ever-changing search engine algorithms which requires an extremely dedicated workforce.