Every business strives to satisfy the needs of their customers. However, there are times when their services and products do not meet the needs of the customers. In some cases, the customer may feel cheated and unappreciated. Therefore, it is always wise to solve any issues that customers present to prevent legal action being taken against the business.

Legal recourse is an action taken by a corporation or an individual to remedy a legal difficulty. In business, a customer can make use of legal recourse if they are dissatisfied with the service or products paid for. A legal recourse informs the business of an issue you have with the business. It can also alert the authorities if the business is carrying out questionable practices. The complaint is legal only if;

  • As the customer, you have complied with the warranty by taking proper maintenance and care complied in the warranty.
  • If the product or service does not meet its intended function.

If you find yourself where you need to take legal recourse, do not rush into it without proper organization. Before filling the complaint, try and use other alternatives to resolve the issue. For example, if the business gave you an incorrect order, discuss it with them and see whether they can correct it. One on one contact is preferred if the business is within your locality.

Phone Call 

If the business is not too close or you are unable to have a face to face contact, then make a phone call. Write down the details of the complaints like the time, titles of people you spoke to receipts, warranties, dates, bills and, guarantees. Be very specific about the complaint and the solution.

When it comes to the solution, make sure the solution is satisfactory enough. Try and talk to an authority as they can make decisions without many consultations. Until you accomplish the purpose of the phone call, do not hang up.

Write a Letter

If the authority fails to honor his word and the issue remains unresolved, write a letter to the company. The letter should explain the issues, request a solution and inform them of the actions you plan to take if the issue is not resolved.

Remember to include all details surrounding the issue. Include the brand name of the product, the date, time, place of purchase, serial number of product, warranties, and such details. Do not leave out any important information.

A request is basically how you would like the company to resolve the issues. Be very specific also. Specify on the dates that you would like the solution to have taken place. The company may decide not to honor your requests. In such a case, explain what you plan to do.

File a Complaint

Some companies may choose to ignore your complaint. In some cases, they may meet your demands in a way that leaves you feeling dissatisfied. This is when you file a complaint. Many people do not file legal recourse because of two main reasons. One, they do not know to whom to address the complaint to and secondly, they do not know what to include in a legal recourse letter.

There are organizations that are founded to fight for the rights of the customers in every nation. If you do not know where to find such organizations, a lawyer can advise you where to file the complaints. They will direct you to the specific institution that will deal with the issues in an appropriate way. Until you get a solution for the issues, the process is far from over.