The Ultimate Guide to Developing an Empowering Vision Board
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Close your eyes and think about a dream you have – a goal you want to make become a reality. You’re most likely seeing different images ahead of you, visualizing the feelings you might have as you achieve this dream and the things it would mean to you.
What you are seeing in your mind is essentially a representation of a vision board and you can, and you should, turn the images and ideas you just saw in your head into reality. Not just by achieving the goals, but also by creating a visual representation of the objectives you want to achieve.
![The Ultimate Guide to Developing an Empowering Vision Board](
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So, what is this vision board all about? Let’s delve deeper into the concept of vision boards, the benefits they provide you, and the steps you need to take in order to create an empowering vision board.
The idea of a vision board can sound a bit bogus or even confusing. How can visual images have an impact on your ability to pursue and obtain your goals? Can’t you just do the above and close your eyes? Well, vision boards are actually more than just images on a piece of paper.
So, let’s start by taking a closer look at the concept of a vision board.
The definition of a vision board
How to define a vision board? As the name suggests, vision boards are essentially a board full of images. But instead of having random images attached to the board, the aim of a vision board is to focus on your goals and dreams. Vision board’s images should be images you see in head when you think of what you want to achieve, gain or create. The board is there to be used as a tool for clarifying, maintaining and concentrating your focus on these goals. It’s about making your ideas and dreams in your head more concrete.
The goals can relate to any area of your life. You can have a vision board about your business objectives or the path you want your career to take. It could also relate to specific aspects of your personal life. You could create a vision board around your hopes as a human being or the things you want to achieve in your life, whether in relation to having a family or being able to travel a lot.
Let’s say you want to become a successful CEO. Your vision board could include images that reinforce and direct your focus. Perhaps images of tall buildings, of the university classes you need to take, the industry you want to lead in and so on. The whole idea of a vision board is to take your dreams and to visualize them on a board. And there is the key to a definition of a vision board: it’s hard to define in detail, as each vision board is unique for the purpose and the person.
Your vision in life is different from my vision in life; therefore, your vision board will look different and highlight your specific dreams with the images you see. The essential thing to understand is that vision board is a visual expression of your goals.
The objective of a vision board
You might be thinking what is the purpose of the board. At the start, I asked you to close your eyes and imagine your ultimate goal. Why can’t you just do this when it comes to achieving a specific objective? What is the purpose of doing it on a board? A vision board serves three core purposes. The objectives of a vision board are:
- To identify and clarify your goals – Visualizing your goals on a piece of board will make the goals more concrete. You turn the abstract ideas in your head into real images. The thought “I want to earn more money” can become a much clearer objective when you stare back at pictures of cash and the things you can buy with it, such as cars, homes and holidays. You clarify the goal. Instead of saying, “I want a nice career in publishing”, you use the images to identify what you mean by ‘a nice career’ and what specific aspects of publishing you are looking to work in. A vision board’s purpose is to take an idea or a goal you have and turn it into a concrete objective you can clearly visualize. The purpose is to know exactly what success or happiness looks like to you.
- To reinforce your daily affirmations – The purpose of a vision board is also to act as a daily reminder of your dreams. Think about it; when is the last time you sat down to think about your goals? You probably thought of them when I asked you to close your eyes, but it’s unlikely you do that exercise every day. Who could blame you? Our lives are busy with work, leisure and family time; we can’t constantly be thinking about our dreams. But this is important in order for you to achieve our goals (more later!). With a vision board, you create a visual representation of your goals and you are reminded about your goals every day. You can glance the board and receive affirmation of the road you are walking on.
- To maintain focus on the goal – As well as reinforcing your daily affirmations, the purpose of a vision board is to help you maintain focus. If you just think about your objectives, it’s easy to start sidetracking or accepting less than you actually wanted. You might end up saying, “Well, I’ve now become senior manager. I should be happy about this, it has made my life comfortable”. A vision board keeps your eye on the ball. You don’t want to be senior manager; you want to be a CEO. The daily reminder of your ultimate goal ensures you don’t settle for less and you don’t accept shortcuts. You work towards the objective you want.
A physical or a digital vision board?
So far, a vision board probably has brought you images of a cardboard cut-out hanging on the wall. Although a vision board is generally a physical board with images, photos and text, you can create a digital version of the vision board if you want. The physical version of a vision board can be made on any piece of material that allows the attachment of clips, such as photos, newspaper cut-outs and so on. You can use a pin board, a cardboard, or any sort of sheet where images can be glued, taped or otherwise attached.
The other alternative is the digital version, which means copying and pasting images to a larger board. You can do this version with any sort of image-editing software. Microsoft Paint or Adobe PhotoShop are good programs to consider.
While you might find the physical version more difficult to compile, it can be easy to be kept as the ‘daily reminder’, since you can attach it almost anywhere – ensuring you come face to face with your vision board regularly. A digital copy can be easier to forget about. You can avoid this by having it displayed as your desktop image or a screensaver! Ultimately the choice of opting for a physical or a digital vision board is up to you.
Three types of vision boards
So, a vision board is a visual representation of your goals and dreams. As I’ve mentioned, the board can be used to clarify, affirm and focus your goals in all areas of life, from business to private life.
Furthermore, Christine Kane, the founder and president of Uplevel YOU, has identified three specific types of vision boards. The types are suited for the varying needs and requirements you might have from the project. After all, we don’t all have the same kind of understanding of our dreams – some are more certain of what they want, while others only have a broad idea of the goals they are hoping to achieve.
Kane divides vision boards into the ‘opening and allowing’ board, the ‘I know exactly what I want’ board, and the ‘themed’ vision board.
The ‘Opening and Allowing” vision board | The ‘I know exactly what I want’ vision board | The themed vision board |
When to use?
Use the board if you are not quite sure what you want. You have a broad vision of your goals, but you are a bit comprehensive about the details. This also suites situations where you know what you want to change, but perhaps you aren’t sure how. |
When to use?
Use the board when you know exactly what you want and you can pinpoint the things you want to get or achieve. You are sure about how to change the things around you and you just need a bit of motivation and focus.
When to use?
Use the board when you want to focus on a specific theme, such as ‘work’ or ‘a birthday party’. It’s similar to the other boards, but the objectives are narrowed to a single theme or idea.
So, if you are certain of your objective, you are more guided in making the vision board. You will be more aware of the images you want for the board, since your vision is clear already. On the other hand, if you aren’t 100% sure of what your goals are or how to get there, you will need to spend more time exploring images and picking out things that appeal to you.
Patrick Bet-David has also shared his own ideas regarding the three vision boards an entrepreneur needs to have:
If you’re still a little unsure about the empowering nature of a vision board, let me try to convince you with some data. Because vision boards are not a silly idea, or a high-school-era scrapbook for dreamers, but they can truly push you forward to achieve your goals. Vision boards work because of three specific reasons:
Visualization is a great exercise of the mind. The point relates to the idea of the law of attraction. The concept is that by focusing our thoughts into a specific thing, we can attract it into our lives. The thing you are thinking about will translate into reality. So, if you are always thinking negative things will happen to you, it will be so.
On the other hand, if you think about positive things, you will receive positive things. Perhaps the idea sounds a bit far-fetched to you or you think it’s for hippies only. But what if I told you the world’s best athletes use the strategy to become great? According to Psychology Today, professional weightlifters have the same parts of their brain activated when visualizing a lift as they do when they are actually performing the acts.
In fact, research has shown mental practice (thinking about the performance) is nearly as effective as the actual physical act of doing something. By doing both (visualizing and the actual performance), you receive better results than by just doing either on their own. And visualization board is the visual exercise you will do for your mind.
Just like an Olympic athlete would visualize the perfect swim in his head, your vision board is visualizing your ideal career path or business objective in your mind. By creating the vision board and using it correctly, you are conditioning your mind towards the objective. You are able to visualize the things and the feelings you want to achieve and by doing it make it easier to actually achieve them.
Clarify your true objectives and desires. A vision board will also help you understand your goals and desires clearly. You move away from the abstract thoughts of “having a good career” or “living in a nice house” to actually identifying what this means. What does the nice house look like? Do you want three bedrooms or four? Does it have a swimming pool or not?
If you don’t clarify your objectives, you will find it hard to work towards achieving the goal. How can you find the dream house if you have no idea what it would be like? You’ll end up wasting a lot of time talking to real estate agents and attending house viewings with such a broad concept. On the other hand, if you make it clear you want 3 to 5 bedrooms, in the south side of the town and within 1km of the sea, you narrow down your objective. You make it easier to start looking.
The same is true for any business objective. If you just say, “I want to grow my business”, you don’t really define success or the objective. You might be selling one more pair of shoes this year compared to last year is growth, but is that really enough? A vision board ensures you are actually aware of what it is that you want to achieve; what it is that success looks like.
Once you know this, you are more able to work towards it because you know what needs to be done. You know not to contact the real estate agents in the north side of the town because that’s not where you want to live. The setting of clear objectives works for your benefit. In fact, research has shown how setting goals increases achievement.
Visualization is a powerful motivator. Having those tangible, clear goals in mind will boost your motivation to achieving them. An abstract idea, such as “having a great career”, can seem more daunting than stating, “I want to work at Apple”. You might be thinking it’s exactly the opposite, since working for a major company might seem like an impossible idea if you’ve just graduated.
It’s easier to say “I want to own a car” then saying, “I want a Land Rover”. But when it comes to being motivated and working towards the goal, research has shown how setting clear objectives increases likelihood of results. Knowing the role you want or the specific car model will provide you more information on which to act.
You know Apple’s hiring policies, you can contact people who work there and you can check the skills they are looking for. If you want the Land Rover, you can check the prices, you can check the requirements and so on. You can design actual steps to getting closer your dream. You can remind yourself each morning with the vision board what working at Apple looks like. You can see the image of you inside that Land Rover and feel the extra motivation.
Creating an empowering vision board isn’t difficult. Nonetheless, you want to take enough time to for the creative process to guarantee best results. You definitely don’t want to end up making it in a hurry, as this could just lead to a half-hearted attempt and yield negative results. You need to put thought into your vision board and really look at what you want to achieve from it in order to make it work.
So, don’t try to rush it or do it with a tight schedule. If necessary, take a breather away from the project and get back to it later if you seem unable to focus your thoughts.
So, what needs to be done to achieve an empowering vision board?
Step 1: Clarify your goals
The most important part of the process is clarifying your goals. You might think this is the easy bit – you must be thinking, “Surely I know what I want!” But do you really? The truth is we sometimes think we want something, when in fact we don’t. This isn’t just our own fault, as society and the people around (no matter how loving and caring) can add pressure on us. You should have a family and a career by 30 and you shouldn’t spend time on creating social good but profit, and so on. There are all sorts of messages around us, making it rather confusing to know what is real and what is not. Do you really want to own that flashy car or is it just because you think it might bring happiness?
For the vision board to empower you, it’s essential to have a vision that you actually care about. In order to visualize your goals, you need to select the kind of vision board you want to choose. Do you just have a theme in mind or are you sure exactly what you want? Essentially, you want to have an idea of what it is you are visualizing: a long- or short-term goal and in business or private life?
Once you know this broad framework, you can start looking into your goals and objectives in detail. It’s important to note that you can define how broad you want your vision board to be. Some people create it about their life goals in all areas, while others might focus more specifically on their family or career.
So, how do you know which are your true goals? A good way to start is by answering the three big questions:
- Who do you want to be? Define the kind of person you want to be and how it relates to your chosen vision. Are you hoping to be kinder, for example, in your career? Would you like to be someone who is always ready to help others? Think about the characteristics you want people to attach to your name. Use these as a way to visualise your goals and the associations you have. If you are creating a vision board for a team or a business, the question is about the kind of business you want to be. Do you want to focus on being sustainable? Do you want to be known as the ‘customer service’ company?
- Where do you want to be in life? You want to also carefully think the place you’d want to be in life. This doesn’t necessarily mean in terms of a physical location (although you might want to be somewhere specific), but the kind of life situation you are aspiring to. Would you like to be surrounded by a big family? Do you want to live free from obligations? What are the physical and non-physical surroundings you aspire to and desire in your heart? Again, for a business or a team this is about the place you’d want to be. A multi-million, midtown business or a family run, locally known small business? What is the aspiration for the future?
- What experiences do you want to have? Think also about the experiences you want to achieve, not just the feelings and skills you want to gain. Do you want to explore the world? Are you someone who wants to try out new things and test your limits? It can be helpful to think about the experiences and things you want to do when you are clarifying your goal. Perhaps you want to travel the world before you start a family. Life’s not just about feelings or material things, but also about the things we experience and go through. You can also think about the experiences you want the team or the business to experience. It could be team-building related or participating in a local small business competition.
If you find answering the above questions or thinking about your goals in detail rather difficult, don’t be afraid to look for inspiration. You don’t have to wait for the ideas to pop into your head. Gather inspiration from different sources, such as:
- Magazines, newspapers and books
- Online images, websites, forums and blogs
- Your old photographs and journals
Be open to ideas, and stop and pause when you get an idea. At the start, you might find it helpful to scribble things in a notebook. Writing things down, even if it’s just a few words, can be helpful and clarify your goals.
Step 2: Start gathering your materials
Once you are clearer about the purpose and function of your vision board, you can start gathering the materials. Browse the sources mentioned above with an open mind. Look at the images or quotes, thinking which appeal to you and which don’t. Don’t be too strict at the start, unless you are definitely clear about the exact images, words and quotes you want to use in your vision board.
If you are looking for the picture of a coconut on a beach, find the exact picture and don’t settle for less. On the other hand, if you aren’t completely sure about the images you want to use in the final board, simply cut the ones that appeal to your for one reason or another. Don’t think about the image or the text too much, but just set it to one side and keep looking.
The key to an empowering vision board really is about the feeling – what image speaks to you, for whatever reason. You need to select the kind of material that creates an emotion within you. There’s no point in using images of horse to visualize your desire to roam free, if the image doesn’t speak to you. Remember to keep your ideas and thoughts at the core.
Don’t cut a picture of a dove to represent peace just because it is generally considered to depict peace. You need to pick exactly the images that speak to you and which create a specific visual image in your head. If a tall building means success to you career-wise, then that’s what you should go for.
Once you have enough material, images or text, you can start going through them in more detail. You specifically need to consider the picks in relation to your goal and objective. What was the main vision for your board? Perhaps it was the things you want to get within five years or the place you want to be in with your career in ten years down the line. Now, how do the images or quotes you’ve chosen relate to this goal?
Ask yourself the following questions to clarify the purpose of each image you’ve chosen:
- What draws me to the image or the text?
- What is the meaning of the image or text in terms of my goals?
- Is the image or text something I truly yearn for?
If you have a lot of material at hand and you’re still looking for the direction with your vision board, you can further divide your images and texts. For example, you can place them in categories such as: mind, body, emotions, career, finance, relationships, and fun.
You might notice a specific pattern, which helps you identify the purpose of the vision board clearer. You might have plenty of images and texts about physical health and wellbeing – perhaps you are looking to live a healthier life and you know exactly what it now looks like.
At this point, you want to pick the images and materials that relate to your vision and remove the ones that don’t quite fit the bill. Don’t necessarily throw away any of your gathered materials. Dedicate a box for them in case you ever want to come back and update your vision board or create a new one.
Step 3: Include affirmations to your vision board
One of the central purposes of a vision board is to affirm you through your journey to achieving your goals. It’s naturally essential then, to guarantee you include affirmations to your vision board and use them as your advantage. If you can create a vision board that gives you hope and self-belief, you are on the right track.
You don’t want to end up in a situation, where your vision board is daunting and causes you to feel stressed out. Instead of looking at the board and thinking, “How will I ever be able to achieve that”, you want to say to yourself, “I can achieve that and I will achieve it”. The affirmation and the support you receive from the vision board is crucial for empowerment. With the daily dose of “Yes, we can!” you guarantee you are subconsciously working towards your objectives. You get that belief in your ability and the goals don’t seem as fat-fetched anymore.
So, how can you guarantee your vision board supports your vision and strengthens your resolve? First, you want to think about the pitfalls you think you might experience. What are those little voices in your head whispering? These are the things you say to yourself when you are putting yourself down or trying to convince yourself to not do or say something.
Perhaps it’s about you not being worthy enough, or not working hard. When you know the words you use to hurt your resolve, consider the words that would counter it. What inspires you and motivate you? Be kinder and more honest with yourself, don’t think ‘buts’ – just focus on the positive feelings and affirmations.
You can find plenty of affirmation ideas from Pinterest. The key is to focus on the sentences you can add to your vision board which talk to you and which help you in achieving your goals. For example, if your vision board is about progressing on the career ladder, your affirmation could be “I have the perseverance to overcome problems.” Other great affirmations to keep in mind, include sentences such as:
- I am learning.
- I am worth it.
- I have the perseverance to overcome problems.
- I inspire myself and others around me.
Keep the affirmations short and simple. Don’t pick a winded sentence such as “I believe I can be the best friend because I’m kind-hearted and passionate about helping my friends.” Instead, opt for a shorter and more concise message like, “I’m a great friend to my loved ones” or “My mission is to help others thrive”. You can choose to represent the affirmations either as sentences printed over the images or you can simply pick images to your board, which remind you of the affirmations you want to tell yourself.
Step 4: Glue, stick and paste your vision board
You’re almost there! The hard part is over and the fun can begin! It’s time to design your vision board and create something special to push you towards your dreams. If you are designing a digital vision board, the process is almost the same. Instead of having to cut and glue your images, you can simply copy and paste them to your liking. Try different designs and a variety of ways to organize and group your photos. You can have your board and place the images without gluing them first, to get an idea of what the final product looks like.
This is a good moment to take a step back and carefully consider your chosen images. Are you visualizing exactly what you wanted? Does it speak to you the same way you thought it would?
If you don’t feel the vision in your images or outline, keep trying until you find the images, texts or designs that work. Like I’ve said before, you don’t want to opt for something that’s “just about right”; you need to have a vision board that speaks to you and highlights exactly what you are hoping to achieve in the future.
Read your texts out loud and talk yourself through the vision board. Tell yourself the affirmations and the stories behind each image. What does it represent? What does it bring to your goals? How will it change the way you live and work? By having to think these through, you guarantee you’ve chosen the right designs for your vision board.
It can be a good idea to think about the colors and textures you use. Different colored images and text can create different emotions and reactions. Look at the examples below of a simple word “buy” written in different colors.
© Buffer (
Each color has a different meaning and you might have a different reaction depending on the color. Perhaps you find ‘freedom’ the color blue and you want your vision board to outline this. You could then choose different shades of blue to your board and to focus on this specific color. You might want your vision board to energize you and you find color yellow to be perfect for this. So, you should add splashes of yellow and perhaps print out the key words in a yellow font.
On the other hand, if you associate green with negative emotions, try to avoid adding it to your vision board. Furthermore, you can even play with the textures. There’s no reason you can’t add a bit of fabric to your vision board if it somehow relates to your vision. Perhaps you want to smoothen out your life and have less worries and a tiny piece of velvet reminds you of this! You can be playful with your vision board – it is up to your imagination what kind of things you add to it. As long as it helps you focus on what is important to you and your ability to achieve goals, you can freely play around with images, texts, colors and textures.
If you have a single image that speaks to you the most or perhaps it’s the key to your vision board’s objective, you want to place it right in the middle. The middle is where you want your focus to be, as you’ll probably glance at it first every time you look at the vision board. When you are happy about the images you’ve chosen and the outline of the vision board, you can start gluing in your images. And if you really hate cutting clips and gluing things together, just use a magnetic board and attach your images to the board with magnetic power! There are no excuses for not creating a vision board.
But you’re not done yet. Developing an empowering vision board is not just about the process of creating the board. What you do with the board after it is done is also auspicious for success. You need to make the vision board part of your everyday life in order to reap the rewards.
Look at your vision board regularly
Your vision board should become a central part of your day. You don’t want to spend a lot of time designing it and putting it together, only to stick it in the back of the cabinet. The whole point of the vision board is on the concept of visualization – of you spending enough time looking at your objectives and going through them in your head. But how can you visualize if you aren’t even looking at your board?
So, you need to ensure you look at your vision board regularly and spend a bit of time focusing on the images. Don’t just glance at it and think you remember all the images with their specific meaning to you and your goals. Take a good look at your vision board and spend a few minutes analyzing and thinking about the images you chose.
Why did you cut out that picture of the Land Rover? What does the image of an increasing stock market sign mean to you? By focusing on your images and visualizing the concepts in your mind, you reinforce the objectives and your resolve to obtain them.
In order to guarantee you do the above regularly, you shouldn’t just try to remember to use the vision board. You need to ensure the vision board is placed in a way that makes the effort of looking at it effortless. Yes, you do need to spend a bit of time visualizing your board, but you don’t want to spend any time getting it in your view.
Therefore, you want to place the board somewhere where you can see it without having to do anything or having to remember you must look at the board. If you’re using the vision board for personal goals or objectives, you could hang it to your wardrobe door, bathroom mirror, or even the fridge door. Any place like this, which ensures you come to face to face with your board regularly and without having to make an effort, is a good place.
It could be your garage door or the bedroom ceiling – it doesn’t matter as long as you are able to come into contact with the vision board and be able to spend five minutes looking at it. If you are using the vision board for a team or business project, you can place it somewhere for the team to see. It could be a place on the meeting room, in the coffee room, or perhaps even in the hallway. The key is to ensure people who are part of the vision board regularly come to contact with it and spend a few minutes exploring the board.
So, what is the best time to look at your vision board? You want to look at it either first thing in the morning or the last thing at night. These are both times, where you will be open to affirmation and you might be seeking for the extra bit of focus. Starting your day by visualizing your goals can ensure you spend the whole day working towards these objectives without necessarily thinking too much about it.
On the other hand, night time is a good time to spend a few minutes reminding yourself of the dreams ahead of you. By focusing them just before the bedtime, you can actually ensure your sub-consciousness continues to think about these objectives while you sleep.
Keep track of your progress
You should also take time to track your progress. It might seem like progress is slow, especially if you are focusing on big life goals or business objectives with your vision board. But you are constantly moving and with the help of the vision board, you are probably even floating towards the desired objective. The problem can be to recognize this movement. We don’t tend to achieve big life achievements in leaps and bounds.
The CEO didn’t wake up one morning to find out he or she was at the top of the game. Just like you won’t suddenly have a lot of money on your account – overnight success isn’t really a thing. Success happens when you work hard and put your focus on the right things. Even when success seems sudden, plenty of steps and small objectives have needed achieving first. If you just focus on the ‘big’ objectives, you might lose sight of the small steps you’ve taken towards the goal.
With a vision board, you want to spend time examining these small movements because they act as a powerful affirmation. If you notice positive changes, especially after you start using the vision board, you can speed up your progress further and gain a lot of positive energy from your successes.
So, pick up a notebook or use a journaling app to track down your use of the vision board and the positive changes you are witnessing. Be mindful of the things happening around you – don’t just search for the big clues, but focus on your feelings and emotions as well. You might not have managed to increase your salary yet to buy that dream car, but perhaps you notice a more positive attitude towards learning new skills or developing yourself.
Eventually, you might notice this positive attitude spill over and provide you a bonus at work. Of course, your journaling doesn’t just have to focus on the positives. If you seem to be moving to the opposite direction from your goals, you need to stop to think why it might be. Are you sure the vision board represents your desires and objectives? Are you spending enough time visualizing it? Be aware of the changes around you and make changes to your routine or even the vision board itself if needed.
Celebrate achievements
As you notice positive progress, take time to celebrate success. While a vision board is a powerful motivation in itself, you can always boost your resolve further by rewarding positive changes and behaviors. Don’t think your achievements or progress are small, but take time to appreciate the small changes you are making.
You don’t need to buy yourself a gift for each small step or take a vacation for achieving a mini goal, but you want to take time and embrace the successes as they happen. Small victories lead to big gains. If you tell yourself you’ve done well, you affirm your path is the right one and you push yourself harder. It’s too easy to dwell on the mistakes and to feel like you aren’t getting any closer.
But if you recognize each achievement and take note of how well you’ve done, you realize that you aren’t standing still or moving backwards. You can strengthen your resolve by noticing how you are actually getting closer to your vision. And if you are feeling the slump, just watch the below motivational video and remind yourself of the vision behind your vision board. Don’t lose sight of your big objective.
Vision boards are powerful tools for solidifying your dreams and turning them into reality. The process is perfect for identifying your goals and understanding what exactly you want from life. Creating the board can be almost a therapeutic experience, clarifying your head from the thoughts and desires that aren’t really part of you.
The process and the actual vision board will help you focus – something which is essential in the modern world. You don’t lose sight of what you truly want to achieve or settle for less. Perhaps above all, the vision board supports you in your journey towards those goals. It provides affirmation; you get that boost of self-belief when you look at your chosen images and remind yourself of the objectives ahead of you.
The great thing about vision boards is the flexibility they offer. You can use them for a variety of goals, from becoming a better person to achieving your dream career. The visualized format for obtaining objectives can be used for personal goals or created for a team or a business as guidance to achieving success. So, don’t waste any more time, but start thinking about the dreams and desires you want to visualize!
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