Web Developer Resume: Examples, Template & Best Tips
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It is difficult to imagine a world without the internet nowadays. Almost every person and every company are present there, one way or another.
Hence, it is not surprising that it is a common practice for a company to have its own website in order for it to be able to offer its products or services to its customers.
Internet is the easiest way to reach customers, so the competition between companies is fierce.
That’s why they need to have a website that would be attractive for the customers and well-optimized as well, so the business could be done smoothly.
That’s why web development is very popular nowadays.
Demand for it is infinite, while supply is not.
This means that a lot of young people choose web development as their personal calling.
Which leads us to the point.
Since the competition is high, it is important for people to maximize their chances of getting that job, win over that client.
A good resume can help with that. We are here today to help you create a good resume if you decide to become a web developer. We will present several of the most important questions each perfect resume should answer:
- How does your resume can help you be different than others?
- What are the important points of every resume?
- What kind of layout should I use to build my resume?
- When do you consider resume to be too long?
All of these things are important, and each of these things could negatively affect your chance of getting the job if done wrong.
It is not a good idea to have just one resume for each job you apply, especially if it is not the job in the same field.
Different jobs require different skills. Some skills are important for one job but completely irrelevant to another. Being a web developer requires different skills from being a mechanic.
Anyway, don’t worry about that now.
We are here to help you overcome that sense of doubt, by answering all those questions, we asked a couple of rows above.
When we are done, you will be able to write your own resume.
However, if you are lazy to make your own layout, feel free to use our resume template creator and you will be able to make your resume in a matter of minutes.
Now, before we answer those questions, we will show you a couple of examples of great resumes for web development.
So, strap in and let’s start!
Front-end Developer Resume Example
Web Developer Resume Example
What is a good way to start your resume? Well, the answer is simple. Write something about yourself, a personal information section. In this section, you should share something about yourself, in order to let the potential interviewers meet you beforehand.
Now, it is not a good idea just to write everything you think of. The order and relevance of the information are also very important, so don’t just write your entire life and share all your contact information, because the resume is just a short overview of your biography.
Our resume template creator can really help you with that, if you decide to use it, instead of manually writing everything.
Full Name
The first thing you say when you introduce yourself to someone is, of course, your name. Introduction in resumes is no exception. However, it should be a bit different. You should state your full name, without using any nicknames. It is more professional that way.
It is a common practice to include your current profession or job title under your name, to emphasize your current working status. If you don’t have a job yet or you are just a fresh graduate, feel free to put your previous title or the highest education title.
Photo is a common thing in resumes. Some jobs even require you to have a photo next to your resume, for example, if you are applying to be a model or weather reporter. However, try not to put any photo of yourself. The photo you present should be professional, to show the best of you. Some random Instagram photo would not do the job.
Phone Number
You know how sometimes emails can be bugged and not fully trusted. Well, that is why you should also share your phone number with people, giving them the option to contact you directly, rather than having to wait for you to answer an email that you may never receive due to some bugs. If you are working with foreigners, make sure to use proper country codes.
Another very useful information to share is your address. It is good to share your address, simply because it allows recruiters to see where you live and perhaps decide to put you in the company sector closer to your home.
E-Mail Address
One of the most necessary information you need to put on your resume is an email address. It is the main way of contact between the company and the candidate nowadays. There are some tips that could help you, though. Whatever you do, just don’t put emails with silly names in it. Your business email needs to look professional, which means that you should use your full name or some combination of it if it is too long.
As for domains, you should only use trusted domains, like Yahoo, Hotmail or Gmail.
Social Media Profiles
Nowadays, almost everyone can be found on one or more social media platforms. Depending on the job, you could share some of your social media profiles in your resume. However, one profile you should always share is your LinkedIn profile.
One thing to note here is that before sharing your LinkedIn profile, you should first edit the link, so it looks more professional, like in the table.
When it comes to other social media profiles, you can share them, just make sure to make them look more professional beforehand. You could also try making your own pages on Facebook, Twitter or Instagram, showing your portfolio.
Before you start writing every detailed information you intended for your resume, you should briefly summarize everything you will write in a couple of sentences.
This section is called the summary section. Here, you need to write information that could seem important to the reader.
So, that means you should put things like your previous experience, things you had learn and some achievements that might be useful to the job you are applying for.
We know it’s hard to put all of that in a couple of sentences, but it shouldn’t be too long since it is just a summary of what will come in later text anyway. Let’s check the example.
As you can see in the table, it is better to be as detailed as possible, since you want recruiters to see your value. By writing the summary from the right column, you would just be another web developer with some experience. There are tens of thousands of people with the same competencies.
However, by providing more information about your work and skills you have gives recruiters a bigger picture of your personality and competencies, so they could make the decision whether to hire you or not much easier.
By looking at your details, recruiters are able to see what skills you have and then correlate that with the skills needed for the job in question.
Also, if you had worked in different lines of work, you should write that down as well, since that would send a message that you are capable of working in different fields.
The right way of writing the experience section of your resume is by using the reverse-chronological order.
That means that you should first write the most recent job you had or still have, and the last job should be the first one you had.
It is a normal way of writing most of the information in your resume. Let’s see how would that look in a practical example.
Apart from using the reverse-chronological order, you should also mention several things about the job, as shown in the left column of the table.
Describe what tasks you had, what goals you managed to achieve, and what skills you might’ve learned in the process.
That would show recruiters what skills and competencies you have and how you could be useful to their company.
This entire process can be very tiring, and it can take a lot of time, so, in order to avoid that, you could just use our resume template creator and just fill in the pre-made template.
After finishing with the experience section of your resume, you should consider writing about your education.
The template is similar to the experience section, meaning that you will have to use the reverse-chronological order again.
However, one thing to note here is that sometimes it is not needed to put all the schools, especially if you are a person with a lot of experience.
In that case, putting only your highest education is enough. Let’s take a look at an example.
Same as in the experience section, make sure to add several points about your academic work if you had some. If you had good grades, put your GPA as well.
If you have made the Dean’s list for several consecutive semesters or if the requirements for it were strict, make sure to put that information as well.
Everything you write just contributes to the puzzle, which is yourself.
Every piece of the puzzle helps recruiters see the bigger picture and find out who you really are.
And last part of the resume is the skills section.
People usually tend to put as many things as they can in this section, which is a mistake. Why, you may ask?
Well, it is the case because not every skill is important for every job.
Yes, everything you have learned in life matters, but not for every job.
So, depending on the job position you want to apply for, you should put certain skills you have and don’t include some skills that might be irrelevant to the job in question.
As you can see in the table, since the job position is web development, it would be useless to put skills such as “good cooker” or state that you are good with children.
Also, as you can see in the table, Microsoft Office skills are not included.
But, since the person is a web developer, it is safe to assume that she has the required proficiency in Microsoft Office.
So, depending on the job and your personal experience, there are skills that you can leave out of the list.
One more thing to note in the table is that skills are divided into categories. It is a good thing to separate skills in different categories, which gives them importance.
So, you should put skills that are important for the job first, then other skills.
It would make it easier for readers to separate and compare skills they are looking for in a candidate and the skills that you have.
Now that we finished the general guide on how to write a perfect resume let’s stop for a moment and think of some smaller things that could help you improve your resume even further.
These things might seem less important, but they are actually very important because they give your resume a certain look and feel of professionalism.
- Font Style & Size – before you even start writing the resume, start for a moment and think about the font you want to use for it. There are a lot of options, but one thing to note is that you should never use handwritten fonts. At least not for the main parts of your resume. The text should be clear and easy to read, so it is better to use one of the normal fonts. Just pick one that you seem fit.
- Bulleting List – resumes are a short version of your life, skills, and achievements, so they shouldn’t be bigger than one, one and a half page at most. That means you will have to decide which information is relevant and which not. To make it easier to read everything, you should use bulleting lists as much as possible, while still maintaining the professional looks. One advice for this is not to make each bullet longer than 3 rows, in order to avoid having unnecessary information shown in the text.
- File Format – if you are having doubts about file format you want to use for your resume, don’t have any. While it is much easier to edit .txt files, it is more professional to use .pdf format. So, if you are a fast learner and you want to add things to your resume often, then keep one copy of it in .txt and just convert it to .pdf on a need basis. The file you send to recruiters should always be in .pdf format since it looks more professional.
- Resume Template – in order to fully represent your personality, it is a good idea to think about the template you want to use for your resume. You can’t just throw in all information in no particular order and hope that it will be good enough. Resume template is important because it tells recruiters what kind of person you are. Neat and organized resumes usually mean that people who wrote them are also neat and organized, which is good in most jobs. However, it might not be easy to create your own template since it requires a lot of thinking and creativity. Not everyone can be like that. That’s why we offer you to use our resume template creator, so you could easily make a perfect resume fast and without much trouble.
- E-Mail Check – one very important step when applying for a new job is to wait for that call or email from the company. Our advice is to regularly check your emails because it could happen that messages can get lost in the spam folder. So, make sure to check it on a regular basis, in order for you not to miss a chance of getting the job you wanted.
- Revisiting your Resume – when you finally manage to finish your resume, you usually feel relieved. However, this is not the time to rest. What you should do is pretend to be a recruiter and take an objective look at your resume. By doing that, you will be able to notice if anything relevant is missing, as well as if anything that is not so important is in there. That way, you will basically polish your resume, giving it a new, shiny look and making it perfect.
- Different Job, Different Resume – we had already said that different jobs require you to have a different set of skills. Meaning that every job application makes your resume different in some way. Set of skills needed for a web developer is not the same as the set of skills needed for a cook. A cook doesn’t need to know PHP or Java, while those are almost essential that are characteristic for professional web developers.
- Political Opinions and Activities – depending on the political atmosphere in your country, politics can have a huge or none influence on the hiring process. That’s why it is better not to include any political activities and personal political opinions in your resume. You can almost never know if recruiters share similar beliefs, so it is better not to mention it at all. If they ask you the question during your interview, then it is a different matter, but as for the politics in a resume, this is it.
- Proper Grammar – one of the most important things to remember when writing a resume is to use proper grammar. Having too many grammar mistakes looks unprofessional and makes you look stupid. And no one wants to hire stupid people for some serious jobs. So, make sure to check your grammar when you finish writing your resume.
- Update your Resume – if you are a person who tends to learn and get new skills fast, then it is a good idea to update your resume regularly, so it could be ready whenever you need it since you never know when some good opportunity might come out.
Alright, people, that was everything we had prepared for you today.
We showed you some good examples of web developer resumes, what are the most important sections of each resume and some small tips and tricks on how to polish your resume and improve your chances of getting that dream job you want to get.
Just to remind you, if you are still struggling to do this by yourself, don’t force it and use our resume template creator for free, which could help you to make a perfect resume really fast.
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